The Murder of Salwan Momika in Sweden: A Horrific Crime and an Attack on Freedom of Speech!

Hassan Salehi

The murder of ”Salwan Momika,” an Islam critic in Sweden and someone who had burned the Quran multiple times, is undoubtedly a political murder. He was a victim of the crimes committed by Islamic extremists, enemies of freedom, who have a long history of killing and committing crimes in defense of what they call ”Islamic sanctities.” Salwan Momika was killed by gunshot on Wednesday, 10th of Bahman, 1403 (January 30, 2025) while streaming a live program on social media from his apartment. It is said that the killers had infiltrated his apartment through the roof and ceiling of the building. His friend, ”Salwan Najm,” has also stated that he has been threatened with death, and the threats included saying that he is the second person to be killed.

The police have arrested several individuals on suspicion of committing this murder. The murder of Salwan Momika was predictable because he had been repeatedly threatened by Islamists due to what they called ”insulting Islam.” The Swedish government, in fear of Islamists, revoked his three-year residency in Sweden and ruled for his deportation. However, since it was too dangerous to deport him to Iraq (his country of origin) due to the life threats, they allowed him to remain in Sweden. Salwan went to Norway, but the Norwegian government refused to accept him and sent him back to Sweden. Swedish immigration authorities gave him temporary permission, and the Swedish judiciary tried him for hate speech. His court verdict was supposed to be issued on Thursday, 11th of Bahman, 1403 (February 1, 2025), but unfortunately, the night before, he was murdered by the bullets of freedom’s enemies.

I was one of those who, despite my reservations about Quran burning, defended Salwan Momika’s right to burn the Quran. Along with a number of friends, I warned the Swedish government and officials not to bow to Islamic extremists in Sweden and the reactionary Islamic governments worldwide and not to sacrifice freedom of speech for their petty political interests. But this is exactly what happened. Now, the question is, who is dangerous for Swedish society? Is it ”Salwan Momika” or the Islamists who killed him because of his criticism of Islam and burning several copies of the Quran? Who is dangerous for Swedish society: Roozbeh Parsi, who infiltrated and lobbied for the Islamic Republic in Sweden’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or someone who criticizes Islam? Who is dangerous for Sweden: the professional criminals working for the Islamic Republic in Sweden, or critics of Islam? Who is dangerous for Sweden: the Imams in Swedish mosques who spread hatred against homosexuals, atheists, and women without facing any trial, or critics of Islam?

I do not defend all of Salwan Momika’s political positions, but he had the right to express his protest against Islam in the way he did. But the Swedish Immigration Office turned its back on him. The Swedish judiciary turned its back on him. The Swedish government turned its back on him to please the fascist Erdogan and a dozen reactionary Islamic governments. The Swedish police neglected to protect his life. All of these actions left Salwan Momika in the hands of bloodthirsty Islamists, making it easier for them to kill him. All those I have mentioned are complicit in this murder, even if they didn’t directly play a role in it. The political murder of Salwan Momika is not just the murder of one individual; it is a blatant attack on freedom of speech. Several years ago, Swedish former Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, after an Islamic terrorist operation in Sweden, said, ”We are naive.” Naivety, when repeated, is no longer naivety. It’s complicity!


av Milad

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