Soheil Arabi Message From Prison

This File is the translations from the Farsi version based on almost one hour sound files Soheil has sent from prison

February 2023

Hello? I wished to become a poem, I wished to become a poem, the most beautiful and most important poem in history, a poem that will be read forever, a poem that overcomes the darkness, like the stars that overcome the darkness, a poem that conquers the world, transforms and evolves. I wished to become a poem, the most beautiful and most important poem in history, a poem that will be read forever, a poem that overcomes the darkness, like the stars that overcome the darkness, a poem that will change the world and make progress. My dreams are nothing more than scribbles, not scribbles written by a human being, but I was written by a prisoner. My author is in the prison that the government officials who built it proudly call it as the biggest prison in the Middle East. It seems that he wants to write about the events, incidents and tragedies that have happened in his prisons, in the cells of the intensification of punishment, in Dogoni, in Gardenia, in the offices of the information protection agents, under eight, in the slums, in the cafeterias, in the health department and in other departments. He wants finger-cutting guillotines that cut off the fingers of petty thieves. They have forced people to commit acts such as theft. Azan for the prisoners who have been sent to prison due to poverty and finding a job that has a salary that is suitable for the expenses and these staggering costs. Write that their fingers were cut off to deny property or debt of less than 10 million tomans. He wants to write about the empty tables of the prisoners and their hardships in most of the prisons and pseudo-hossein’s which are apparently sanctification places for the great looters (prisons suitable for disputes or economic terrorists). repression and other forms of violence rose up and responded to their cries and demands for their trampled rights with various tortures, including their imprisonment. But the events are intertwined and complicated and many, he is overwhelmed by the developments and disasters and he does not know where to start. End of page 1. Perhaps this is the first text written by a prisoner. Page 5 after the end of the trial. and returning to the prison, the delegations and new arrivals are sent to the inspection room, every accused or convict enters the prison, whether for the first time or when he returns from leave and execution, he must be inspected, the inspection is such that the prisoner is sent to one of two They send the cabin to the inspection room, and in the presence of the soldier, while taking all his clothes Take off your clothes, even your underwear, completely naked, sit 10 times and it goes away. These acts should be done under the pretext that the prisoner does not bring prohibited items, such as mobile phones and drugs, into the cell, that is, to prevent hoarding, ”hoarding means hiding prohibited items, especially drugs or mobile phones inside the anus”10 Sit down and tell this person that if there is anything in the anus of the prison staff, they know better than anyone that 99% of drugs, mobile phones, SIM cards and other prohibited items are prohibited by the prison guards themselves, especially the prison information protection and Haj men, which no one has the right to inspect. If he does not have them, he goes to prison.

But like many of their other actions and actions, these inspections are mostly done to show the prevention of crime. After the inspection, the new arrivals are sent to the photo card formation section to record their photos, fingerprints and details, and the dispatchers return to their brigade and then their unit. Part five is over. Page 6 Returning to the 2nd West Ward of the 6th Brigade Every day at 7:00 a.m. and after the dispatchers leave, a mandatory wake-up call is made, and then the security agents or the guard officer remind the prisoners that they have until 7:30 a.m. to go to the restrooms. arrange their beds and prepare for the morning statistics, except that most of the time, the first mandatory wake-up call is half an hour before the morning call to prayer, they wake up the prisoners with ear-splitting noises (first they shout or do ablution, and perform ablution after half an hour of prayer) While the water is usually cut off and the prisoners without ablution stand in the prayer lines and pretend to pray so as not to be beaten, of course, participation in the obligatory prayer ceremony may increase with consent and requests such as leave. After the obligatory congregational prayer The prisoners have to go to the coffee shop to do the mandatory morning exercise. The cameras record the first stage of the torture, the mandatory exercise is when one of the guards officers or their chosen person shouts ”1 2 3” and the prisoners while They sit down and go to Pashu, they have to answer ”1 2 3 Shahid”, ”1 2 3 Martyrs, these actions continue until the guard officer is relieved that the sound of the prisoners exercising has reached his boss and the pictures have been recorded. At around 45:7 am, it is announced to be ready for the morning statistics. The prisoners have to wait for many minutes in the air-conditioning in the statistics queues for the guard officer to finish the census, and no one has the right to move until the health experts have completed the statistics. eat and sit on their knees similar to sitting in an Islamic toilet. Until a few weeks ago, the situation of the morning statistics was similar even in the previous alley of Brigade 6, which is the place where the detainees of the recent protests are kept. Until many prisoners protested this situation and after the negotiations of their representatives with the prison heads, it was agreed that the morning statistics would be taken in the room. It is forbidden to go to the restrooms when the readiness is announced for statistics, everyone must be present in their room and when the guard officer enters the hall, everyone must be seated in regular rows in their rooms to make it easy to count today, Statistics Section 2 West 286 Nefarand Page 7 After the statistics of the prisoners are finished, they are allowed to leave their rooms, from the facilities of the prison, such as the toilets, the house lamp is ”a place similar to a kitchen, about 6 metres high, with 7 gas burners and a samovar that the prisoners themselves bought.” And. Or airing and so on. Some rooms, according to their conversation, hug each other after counting and before spreading the breakfast table and start the new day in the hope of a day of liberation from the destruction, then the younger people of the room spread the table. Most of the work in the room is done jointly and in turn, one of the elders in the room washes the flasks and brews tea beforehand, one is responsible for getting the breakfast milk and bread, and two people put the cheese dishes on the table. Mother: Mom, wait for a few seconds when this guy plays the tape?! I don’t know where it is! Mother: He says that this call from Zanda is not for me. Mother: Ah, it is not for you! Mother: Ah, well, it’s not clear at all, at that time, whenever he says, give me a hint so that I can repeat it. Mother: OK, my dear, OK, go to page 12 in forced ventilation, and after one of the prisoners was released and the prisoners sang a hymn to him, Kamran Akbari informed the ventilation operator that most of the prisoners did not have warm clothes in the cold for two hours. they trembled But the same punishment made them even more determined. One of the prisoners, whose reason for arresting him is rapping, sang an improvised poem and sang it as a rap, and the other prisoners accompanied him by stomping on the ground.

It was in this same airing, in this same airing and while shivering in the cold, they put their hands together and made a human chain and sang hopeful hymns again. , anarchist, constitutionalist, etc., all of them think of liberation together and try to live in justice, equality, freedom and security. The methods are different, but the goals are almost the same. In prison, they are different from each other in appearance, for example, Akbar, the boy of Islamshahr, with simple words and phrases, Qarboen brother, I will my dear, the sacrifice of repair, the honour of all, gives spirit to his sentences. Mustafa, with the special literature of Vakal, promises that soon we will be freed from the oppressors and build a democracy based on human rights. Puya and Ali sing poems in support of workers’ rights, Milad, who was arrested for dancing in Azadi Square, at the same time When Armin raps, he dances to give joy to his co-bands. Ehsan, who, due to a conflict with several oppressors, is delighted with the artistry of his co-bands and says, ”The pain and sorrow of all of you is in the head of that oppressor.” Everyone cheers and makes an appointment to sing protest songs again tonight after the silence is announced. The forced and punitive air-eating is over, minutes later statistics are announced, the statistics are taken in the air-eating, after that training classes are held, the classes are organised by the prisoners themselves and for free. It is 10:00 p.m. Every night, according to the order of the time guard officer, and with the shout of the ward’s lawyer, the time of silence is announced around 10:00. The Nafton neighbourhood is one of the neighbourhoods of this city that has more professional fighters compared to other parts of this city. Aria’s father was one of those fighters who spent many years in prison and under torture, and now he continues his father’s path. and the reason for his arrest was measures to help the revolution. He was arrested this year in October during the protests after Shahrivar in the revolution known as ”Women, Life, Freedom” along with his friend who was almost the same age as him and is from the city of Ahvaz. For several months, they have been going through the evolutionary process of the struggle in this prison, along with other fighters. had been raving and threatening the prisoners, Arya’s fellow prisoners asked him to sing a more powerful poem tonight than ever, Arya also consulted with some of his fellow prisoners and asked one of them, who was arrested for the third time, to Let him suggest tonight’s poem. And the proposal of Aria’s Hambandi is a combination of two poems by Seyyed Ali Salehi, who is Aria’s compatriot. The end of page 12, the beginning of page 13, Aria reads the poem with hope, anger and hatred: It is up to the wall, it is up to the wall, the walls are lurking in words, it is up to the wall, the walls are lurking in words, in the shadow of silence Zanhar, Zanhar, to every house that you have arrived, do not think that another dawn is coming, words are like suffering and hadiths are like torture, despair is good, despair, despair was here at your feet and now it is gone, it is singing a song to comfort the oppressors, I told it to go And tell them that sometimes one drop of rain is the end of the desperation of the desert, and we do not punish the desperate because their despair is pure, and the oppressors just remember that the practice of thirst is good and they must swear by the wisdom of the tree that If the wind blows from the north, they will cry all night and think of the tired ones whose despair was the last song of their night and day.

And there have been many times when I myself have lost hope and fear, say, say, say, they are words, sometimes they have to return home from the path of dreams, who is the same despair of a noble person with whom I do not have a close relationship. Despair is born from enemies torn apart, he curses sometimes, and this is where a person suddenly despairs, and again says noble despair, this is the right word to the great oppressors, say that you are not great, the original intention of the dreamer, you have a problem. You have a problem. After the end of the poem, he sings hymns together, who can help us in our pain except me, they sang, they sang, even though the guard officer threatens them that singing these hymns will bring them great troubles, and at the end The anthem shouts loudly, our necks are raised, yes, you executed our necks and thousands of us, but we are still alive. 


End of page 1


12 minute file

The tenth chapter


According to the regulations, the prison is obliged to give free fruits, vegetables, summer foods, dairy and meat as much as the body needs to each prisoner. This budget goes nowhere. Such foods are not provided, and the prisoners have to either provide the materials themselves or go to the same insufficient and low-quality prison food. Due to the fact that in the food ration that the prison distributes among the prisoners for free, there is not enough fruits, summer vegetables, dairy products and many vitamins needed by their bodies, the prisoners have to eat a lot of food and supplies in order to maintain their health. buy from the prison store. It is obvious that those who do not have enough financial power to buy from the prison store have no choice but to be satisfied with the prison food, which is not suitable for human needs both in terms of quantity and quality. Most of the so-called prisoners (the voice of the prison spokesman) are from the low level of society in terms of income. More than 70% of the arrested protesters are workers with an income of less than 7 million tomans per month, who, due to being imprisoned and losing their jobs, naturally have financial problems. They are difficult. In terms of the type of nutrition, prisoners can be divided into three groups.

The first group to which more than 60% of prisoners belong. In prison literature, they are called shunned. Dogi is an abbreviation of government. Dogi Khor. Next, those who only use the government ration of the prison, do not buy from the store inside the prison or cannot afford to buy. With government rations, they try to make him suffer less from malnutrition in prison. For example, today’s breakfast is about a teaspoon of low-fat cheese, which can be used for two small bites. Enrichers buy a small amount of cheese from the store that has a better quality than the ration and combine it with the government ration to provide the minimum calories needed by their body. Lunch is a little rice and cooked soybeans, which is 7 to 10 spoons for each prisoner. Even if the prisoner can tolerate the smell of this food and eat it, the amount of vitamins needed by his body will not be provided. They mix one canned fish or one canned chicken for four (prison announcement sound) and if their financial situation is sufficient, they add some tomato, cucumber or yoghurt to their meal. The prison ration dinner is an egg and a boiled potato, and that’s all they have. They beat the egg and add some yoghurt and pickled cucumber to it. They add to it the relatively middle class financially, between 30 and 35%, and the remaining less than 5% are self-employed. A person who eats is someone who doesn’t need low quality prison rations, or buys his own food from the prison restaurant or store.


End of page 11

In many prisons, especially the wards known as branch wards, there are many prisoners who sell a large amount of their food and health rations to other prisoners so that they can send a little allowance to their families. At the same time, in the so-called financial or embezzlement sections, there are people who have facilities in prison that many people outside of prison do not have. In Brigade 5 of this prison, there are those who have several dedicated cooks. For example, one cooks Iranian food and one cooks European food, etc. And they have several servants, one is responsible for washing the dishes, one is responsible for cleaning the room, and several people are responsible for shopping and dealing with ***, and several people are responsible for massage. They choose some people and pay them for these services. *** Conflict and class difference in political prisons, i.e. prisons where protesting people are imprisoned, is less noticeable, usually even though most of the prisoners (the voice of the prison announcement) have the facilities they have. They share together, for example, a few people who have relatively good financial conditions prepare water and some fruit for those who cannot afford it without anyone knowing. that in each room, several people who do not meet or for any other reason do not have the possibility or ability to buy from the stores sit next to others and consume enriched food without the others noticing. But in most prisons, especially in the wards Financially, there is a sharp class difference. A few people are very rich and others have to work for them for very little wages to make ends meet. For example, the wage for washing each piece of clothing in the branches is between 2 and 5 labour boards, that is, between 5 and 10 thousand tomans, and in the financial and embezzlement sections it is more than 10 to 20 thousand tomans. That is, to meet his needs, the poor prisoner has to wash the rich prisoner’s clothes or dishes, clean his room, sweep and even give him a massage. to get a salary from him and send it to his family. A prisoner who was imprisoned due to the inability to pay less than twenty million due to bankruptcy and economic stagnation should be punished for an embezzler who stole billions of people’s property and caused himself to go bankrupt. People like him have become unemployed

It is obvious that the few people who are in prison as embezzlers or economic terrorists are second-degree, third-degree or fourth-degree criminals, which means that they will never go to jail because they are lawmakers, law enforcers and one of the main agents of the government, so it is strange. It is not that in the world polluted by their discrimination, violence and corruption, that revolution means to change this situation and (the voice of the prison spokesman) here, the Western Bando of Brigade 6 is spread in carpet corridors because the prisoners cannot afford to buy carpets, while in the corridors of embezzlement bars Expensive carpets are spread, luxurious and expensive chairs, expensive signs are installed on their walls, microwaves, rice cookers, and other facilities that make prison a little difficult for them.

There is no *** in one of the rooms of the protestors’ prison because the protesters cannot afford a refrigerator, they have no carpet, they have to warm themselves with blankets known as blankets, while embezzling prisoners in their prisons have televisions, advanced mobile phones that can be connected to the Internet, mattresses and They have expensive blankets. Many of the petitioners in prison cannot even afford to buy a newspaper for entertainment. While the rioters in the hotels known as embezzlers are downloading and watching American series only a few minutes after they are uploaded by the companies. They have high-speed internet, expensive passwords, luxury backgammon boards and all kinds of entertainment. They are allowed to enter sports halls freely, while political prisoners are not allowed to go to sports halls and cultural complexes and have to stay in their jails and exercise with cans filled with cement. People who are sentenced to prison due to lawsuits, seeing this situation, are more determined to bring about change and fight against corruption. In prison, class conflict and difference can be seen more easily than outside. What is largely hidden behind the curtain outside the prison is exposed and more obvious here. Writer, journalist and defence attorney for the plaintiffs. The teachers, students, workers protesting are handcuffed and bound, they are forced to wear court uniforms, while the main criminals are free (the voice of the prison spokesman) today in the court of appeals, when it was announced that a number of prisoners will be temporarily released on bail. They chased them away with songs such as ”My elementary school friend” and ”Sar Amad Zamestun”, but Kamran Akbari, the guard officer at the time, got angry and announced forced ventilation. For more than two hours, the prisoners, most of whom do not have warm clothes, shivered in the cold, and this punishment also made them more decided in advance

14 minute file

The eighth chapter


*** Before spreading the breakfast table, the twelve hug each other and start the new day in the hope of getting rid of the riots, then the younger ones spread the table. Most of the work in the room is done jointly and in turn. One of the elders in the room washed the flax and prepared tea an hour ago. Another person is responsible for getting the breakfast ration and ****. Every day it is the turn of two members of the chamber to be the mayor of the chamber. It is the responsibility of the mayors to get the food ration of bread, get the sanitary ration and clean the room. It is done with the participation of all members of the room. In most sections, especially financial sections, people who do not have a good financial situation do the work of rich people in exchange for a small salary. Today, in room 12, Ward 2 West, Nima and Elena Hatan, the mayors of room 12, born in 1376 in Mashhad and grew up in Shiraz, continued their studies in the field of music, and then came to Tehran to work in their field, which is composition. He was a resident of Nawab district in Tehran, the more he became familiar with the political and social situation and became aware of people’s pains, the more worries occupied his mind, and he began his efforts to bring about change in this chaotic and disastrous situation. After this year’s Shahrivar and the beginning of the new movement (the voice of the prison spokesperson) until he was arrested in one of the marches and after spending difficult days in the interrogation room and the A-1 cell, he was exiled here in the Greater Tehran Prison. Nima is a cheerful and humorous person, and as her roommates say, she is a funny or smiling helper. The music is classical Iranian. And he usually sings revolutionary and hopeful songs for his companions *** His goal in the municipality today, like all the convicts in the western corner of the detainees of the women’s movement, is the life of freedom. Altan is about 20 years old and comes from a Jewish family. He is very hard working and likes to participate in the work of the room and works as a hairdresser in a hair salon. It is used, and hairdressers have other tools besides scissors and razors. Usually, except for ***, services are provided for free by volunteer prisoners and their fellow prisoners, and in other prisons, they receive amounts for haircuts and other *** For ****, it is between 75 thousand Tomans (Iranian currency) and 100 thousand Tomans, and in type 5 it is 150 thousand tomans, but here and in most type 6 bands, hair and face shaving is free, unless someone wants to give a small gift to the hairdresser as a thank you. Usually, hairdressers donate more than half of their income to help with the general expenses of the prison, such as buying water for the samovar and preparing detergents (the voice of the prison spokesperson), that is, instead of bills, you can give a few packs of cigarettes to the store and buy coins in the prison. It is forbidden to keep cash, and every purchase from restaurants and stores is only allowed with a credit card.

Room 12 is one of the service rooms of the prison, which means that most of the members of the prison have responsibilities and duties in the prison, for example, the lawyer is responsible for lending the books in the prison to his fellow prisoners. It means that after the prison chiefs agree with the request to hand over books, the prisoner can hand over the approved books to the prison, and after inspection and confirmation that the book is authorised, the book can be handed over to the prisoner. These difficulties for the delivery of the book have made the responsibility of delivery heavier and care must be taken to ensure that the books remain intact and are returned on time so that everyone has the opportunity to read.

Bashir lives in Saadat Abad, Tehran, and is serving his sentence along with his brother. He was born in 1365. He is accused of *** bribery by accompanying the people through the recent marches of single people and a graduate of ***, who simultaneously works in Bashir is also interested in theatre and philosophy. He likes **** and other anarchist philosophers very much. He believes that the recent movement of the Iranian people was aimed at achieving *** and returning to the natural order and ending the chaos and rampage. Therefore, he joined the revolutionaries *** and he is sure that he will leave ** and go to The right way (the voice of the prison spokesman) Arash Behdari is responsible for registering patients and taking them to the hospital and delivering its pills. Arash and his wife were arrested in Mehr month of this year for being with the people during the revolution. His wife is imprisoned in Qarchak and Varamin prison. He was born in 1367 and studied computer programming. Carrying out the responsibility as a liaison between the patients and assisting in the treatment of the ward patients is responsible for the purchase of the ward room. The person in charge of purchasing the room prepares the list of room needs and buys the budget delivered by his roommates. In addition to all these works, Arash is also studying regularly in the field of English translation, even in these difficult prison conditions. Another One of the members of the chamber, who is responsible for handling cultural affairs, including the person in charge of obtaining permission to form educational classes and providing the necessary equipment for the classes, such as whiteboards, markers, and educational books. With the help of other associates, he is responsible for bargaining and negotiating with Rezaq to form training classes. But in the end, he is not allowed to hold classes. The mullah who was in charge of the cultural department did not allow the classes to be held in the cultural complex, and in the end, the prisoners were forced to hold the classes in their own cell. Saturday, Monday and Thursday English class, from 10 am to 11 am, Sunday, Tuesday and Friday French language class, from 6 pm to 7 pm, Monday and Wednesday, Turkish language class, from 6 pm to 7 pm, and design class and Music theory is also soon to be formed. (Voice of the jailer) The head of the ward agrees with the formation of classes and has provided the necessary assistance, but Akhundi, who is the head of the cultural complex, did not allow the classes in the cultural complex, which has both more suitable facilities and the possibility of all prisoners of conscience attending it. There is to be held. However, the prisoners use these few opportunities and possibilities for education. In addition to these classes, the defence lawyer imprisoned in this ward spends many hours of his time answering the legal questions of his fellow inmates. A few weeks ago, he pasted the answers of the prisoners on printed paper and stuck them on the prison wall, and this action made the work of the prison officers more abundant. And in this way, the prisoners could come up with the answers they needed. But yesterday, Fathi, the deputy of prison health, removed all the papers from the walls. Although all the answers were written within the framework of existing laws and did not contain any criminal content. This was not the first time that Fathi did such actions. Previously, he had ordered the collection of all legal books, especially the books of the regulations of the prison organisation, from the prisons, and he prohibited the entry of these books into the prison because he is afraid that if the prisoners become familiar with their rights, they will repeatedly cancel their rights. protest Because in remote prisons due to the less supervision over them, violations and administrative corruption happen more. (Voice of the jailer). It is possible to point out the condition of the treatment of prisoners, the lack of sports and cultural facilities, the lack of access to newspapers, and the very bad conditions of drinking water and food for prisoners, which even contradict the standards of the executive regulations of prisons. Especially in recent months, due to the increase in arrests and prison population, the amount of food given to prisoners has been reduced, and now the problem of lack of food has been added to its bad quality. On the other hand, the economic crisis has caused the purchasing power of prisoners to decrease, and therefore the number of people who cannot afford to buy from the prison store has increased, and it is obvious that those who have no choice but to make do with poor quality prison food. In addition to malnutrition, they suffer from kidney, digestive, and even mental diseases. Not only is the budget for the health care and food of the prisoners insufficient, but this same budget is not well managed and a major part of it is stolen, so the food situation in the prison is inappropriate and non-standard, even according to the regulations. Is. For example, the executive regulations of the prisons organisation ordered the supply of the necessary vitamins and food to the prisoners for free.


End of page 9


Mother: Mom, wait a few seconds when this guy plays the tape

my darling ?!

Mother: I don’t know where the call is from the prison!

It doesn’t work for me

Mother: Ah, it doesn’t come for you


Mother: Oh, okay

It is not clear at all, at that time, whenever he said, give me a hint that I will repeat.

Mother: Okay, dear, okay, go


Page 12 in mandatory airing


  After one of the inmates was released and the prisoners sang a hymn for him, Kamran Akbari announced forced air-eating and shivered in the cold for more than two hours as most of the prisoners did not have warm clothes. But the same punishment made them even more determined. One of the prisoners, whose reason for arresting him is rapping, sang an improvised poem and sang it as a rap, and the other prisoners accompanied him by stomping on the ground. It was in this same airing, in this same airing and while shivering in the cold, they put their hands together and made a human chain and sang hopeful hymns again. , anarchist, constitutionalist, etc. all think of liberation together and strive to live in justice, equality, freedom and security. The methods are different, but the goals are almost the same. In prison, they are different in appearance, for example, Akbar, the boy of Islamshahr, with simple words and phrases, Qarboun, the brother of Golam, Baram, the sacrifice of repair, and Iftikhar all give spirit to his compositions. With the special literature of lawyers, Mustafa promises that we will soon be freed from oppressors and build a democracy based on human rights. Puya and Ali sing poems in support of workers’ rights, Milad, who was arrested for dancing in Azadi Square, while Armin raps He dances to give joy to his companions. Ehsan, who because of a conflict with some oppressors, is delighted with the artistry of his companions and says, ”The pain and misfortune of all of you is in the head of that oppressor.” Everyone cheers and agrees to sing protest songs again tonight after the silence is announced. Forced eating and punishment ends, a few minutes later statistics are announced, statistics are taken in the airing, after that training classes are held, these classes are formed by the prisoners themselves and for free.

Every night, by the order of the guard officer and with the shout of the ward lawyer, the time of shutdown is announced at around 10:00 PM. Nafton neighbourhood is one of the neighbourhoods of this city that has more professional fighters compared to other parts of this city. Aria’s father was one of those fighters who spent many years in prison and under torture, and now he continues his father’s path and The reason for his arrest was actions to help the revolution. This year, in October, he was arrested during the protests after Shahrivar in the revolution known as ”Women, Life, Freedom” along with his friend who was almost his age and is from the city of Ahvaz. They go through the struggle in this prison. Aria became fascinated with literature and especially protest and revolutionary poems, considering that Kamran Akbari had announced that one of the prisoners was a traitor after singing the hymn during his release and had threatened the prisoners. Arya was asked to sing a poem tonight that is more striking than ever, Arya also consulted with some of her associates and asked one of them, who was arrested for the third time, to suggest tonight’s poem. And the suggestion of combining Aria, a combination of two poems by Seyyed Ali Salehi, who is Aria’s compatriot.

Arya reads the poem with hope, anger and hatred:

It’s up to the wall, it’s up to the wall, the walls are waiting for words, it’s up to the wall, the walls are waiting for words, to the shadow of the silence of Zanhar, Zanhar, wherever you reach, don’t think that another dawn is coming, words are suffering And there are hadiths about Rodum’s torture, despair is good, despair, despair was here at your feet, now he is gone, he is singing a song to appease the oppressors, I told him to go and tell them that sometimes one drop of rain is the end of desert greed, and we We don’t punish the desperate because their despair means relief, and the oppressors just remember that it is good to practice thirst and they must swear by the wisdom of the tree that if the wind blows from the north, they will cry all night long and think of the tired ones who despair It was the last song of their night and day. And there have been many times that I myself have lost hope many times, and fear is a thousand words, say, say, sometimes they have to return home from the path of dreams, one of them is the despair of a noble person with whom I have no close relationship. Disappointment is born from torn enemies, it curses sometimes, and this is where a person suddenly despairs, and again says noble despair, this is the right word to the big oppressors, say, you are big-minded, you are not a dreamer at all, you have a problem. you have a problem

After the end of Hambandi poem, they sang hymns together, who can help us but me in our pain, they sang, they sang, even though the guard officer threatened them that singing these hymns would bring them great troubles, and at the end of the hymn Bland shouts loudly, our necks are raised, yes, you executed our necks and thousands of us, but we are still alive.


End of page 12


av Milad

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